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Sidney Middle School
13 middle school cheerleaders pose together.
Jacket Pride

Jacket Pride is all about cherishing our traditions and wearing black and yellow like a badge of honor.


Beginning in 6th grade, Sidney Middle School students can take orchestra. 

Cross Country

SHS & SMS students can take part in a variety of extra-curricular activities including Cross Country. 


TIES and PEARLS are character building programs in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby County. The program is offered to 5th graders at Sidney Middle School. 

An 8th grade boy sits in a track-ho and moves dirt around with the direction of a construction worker
Career Exploration

Students take part in the Career Exploration Academy through Workforce Partnership. 

3 middle school boys and 3 middle school girls stand beside each other in a line on a track.
Field Day

Middle school students celebrate their achievements on a track & field day at the end of the school year. 


There are a variety of options for SMS students to be involved in the arts including visual art classes. 

Sidney Middle School

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Sidney Middle School serves approximately 1,000 students in grades 5-8.


Content Acceleration

Sidney Middle School supports gifted students by offering accelerated courses in various content areas; 8th grade students have the opportunity to walk to Sidney High School for additional classes. 


Performing & Visual

A great source of Yellow Jacket Pride are our strong performing & visual arts programs. Students at SMS can take a wide variety of music and art classes starting in 5th grade. 


Extra Curricular Activities

Students at Sidney Middle School can take part in a variety of sports and clubs to be involved outside the school day.